What to know about the PCT Closures App

This PCT Closures App is stewarded by the Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA) to help you have accurate, updated, and critical information about what's open and closed on the PCT, in a format that you can use whether you're in the backcountry, or on a computer at home. Note that despite this app being helpful, apps can't do it all. Trust your gut while in the backcountry, carry paper maps, and always maintain situational awareness. For a long time, PCTA has stewarded trail closure and wildfire information on its website. We work with agency partners to get information into your hands. We help put closures in context using common language so that it’s easier for people to understand.

We do our best to update the app as quickly as we can, sometimes pushing updates late at night when the news breaks. At other times, there can be a lag as we are a small nonprofit with staff who do not work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are often delays as we gather information as well. This app platform powers both a website and a mobile app. Most features in the mobile app work offline so that you can have information in the backcountry. Of course, when you have no cellular connectivity while in the backcountry, you won't be able to get updates. When you do get cell service, refresh the app to get updates. While this is called the PCT Closures App, it also provides other "trip altering" updates, tagged as Alerts. They may include things like wildfires that you may be interested in, landslides that may be difficult to pass, damaged bridges, or an important road that's closed. We're happy to provide this service to the community, but it does take significant time and effort. We invite you to get involved with PCTA by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word about us. Photo of PCTA booth donated by Gray Feather Photography.


The PCT Closures App, including the information within it, maps, and underlying GIS data, is provided 'as-is' and might contain errors, or omissions. PCTA does not accept responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics of any of this information or data. This tool is intended to be used as a visualization/planning tool, and is not intended to be used to determine title, ownership, legal boundaries, or legal jurisdictions. Closure Orders provided by the Government are legal documents. Besides those, the information and data provided by PCTA are neither legal documents nor land surveys, and must not be used as such. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of this tool and its underlying data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. This application does not create any rights or liabilities regarding the information presented or omitted. Please read the PCTA Terms Of Service and Privacy Policy, linked below. Please read the PCTA Terms Of Service and Privacy Policy, linked below.

Pacific Crest Trail Association
2150 River Plaza Drive, Suite 155
Sacramento, CA 95833

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