Williamson Rock closure

Southern California

The PCT is closed between Hwy 2 at Eagles Roost Picnic Area (mile 390.2) and the PCT/Burkhart Trail intersection (mile 393.8) near Buckhorn Campground. This closure is for the protection of natural resources, specifically the endangered mountain yellow-legged frog and its critical habitat.

No recommended detour

In Winter and early Spring, Highway 2 is closed to vehicles to the east/PCT south of the closure between Vincent Gap (mile 374) and Islip Saddle (mile 386). When that section is open, expect even more cars and motorcycles traveling at excessive speed around blind corners. There is little to no shoulder and walking the highway is dangerous when you are sharing it with vehicles. Check whether the road is open at roads.dot.ca.gov Regarding trails in the area: The Burkhart Trail was damaged by fire, has not been maintained, and is not suitable for horses. The Southfork Trail has not been maintained in years and reports indicate that it has some scary, exposed sections. We don't know the status of the Manzanita Trail.


Originally published:
Pacific Crest Trail Association
2150 River Plaza Drive, Suite 155
Sacramento, CA 95833

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