California Campfire Permits

You must have a California Campfire Permit to use a stove, lantern or have a campfire on much of the PCT in California. The permit is your agreement to follow the campfire restrictions and regulations in effect. Beyond being your agreement to follow safe practices, the permit is a tool to educate you on how to use fire safely and appropriately.

This permit does not actually give you permission to have a campfire

Campfires are often not allowed or are not appropriate along much of the PCT. They are generally not allowed in Southern California or in other places during dry, hot summers. They’re also generally not allowed on private land, which accounts for about 10 percent of the trail.

How to get a California Campfire Permit

California Campfire Permits are free. They are valid for one calendar year and should be acquired before your hike or horseback ride. Permits can be obtained at any California U.S. Forest Service, BLM, or California Division of Forestry office. Ranger stations and visitor centers are convenient places to obtain them, or can get one at

You’ll find that some agencies do not require you to have California Campfire Permits. For instance, some places in the Sierra Nevada do not require them. If in doubt, ask at the local ranger station. Oregon and Washington don’t have a similar fire permit system. No fire permits are required in those states.

Pacific Crest Trail Association
2150 River Plaza Drive, Suite 155
Sacramento, CA 95833

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